Birth Control After Baby

This is in no way professional opinion. This post only reflects my experiences and issues I’ve dealt with. For more options and information you should contact your OB/GYN.woman-thinking-about-birth-control-options

A reliable birth control is very important to me. Neither me or my husband are the kind of people who want “as many kids as God intended”. But we haven’t been able to get it quite right since the birth of our baby. We have been having issues with just about every way we tried so far. 🙂

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Weekly Recap (17 April 2017)


Happy Easter!

Weigh in: 86,6 kg 😀

I know, I know, it’s barely a loss. But after the weekend I had I’m glad it’s not a gain. I started this week pretty strong. I spent a lot of time working on this blog. It still needs a lot of work, but I have a lot of ideas and half finished drafts that I might even get to this week.

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Weekly Recap (10 April 2017)

Weigh in: 86,9 kg

I won’t go into much details about my measures, just go to my “Weight Loss Plan” post. I’ll be doing recaps like this every Monday to reflect on passing week – weight loss related and not. 🙂 I’m also posting daily Instagram photos, you can follow me there (@munchandfam).

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Weight Loss Plan

The Past:

Let me start this weight loss plan by telling you a bit about myself. I am a first time mom, I gave birth to a beautiful baby boy in August 2016. I always had weight issues, but I was trying to lose weight before conceiving this baby. With some success. But then came the pregnancy and at the end of the pregnancy I gained a lot of weight. A lot of it was water, but still I’m hitting the highest point I ever was in my weight.

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